Join The Community

Become part of the Token Engineering Commons

We are an ever growing international community of humans from a diversity of specializations. Coders, Engineers, Legal Experts, Game Designers, Writers, Testers, Activists - and more! Come one, come all! If you are passionate about the potential of Token Engineering here are the many ways you can join our thriving community.

Orientation First!
Get oriented in the TEC, meet the community and ask questions. Do things like introduce yourself, share your interests, learn about the TEC and set up a 1-on-1.
Come hangout in our Discord, introduce yourself and see what is happening in our working groups, join conversations and jump into any of our weekly calls.
Participate in ongoing discussions and read up on the latest publications from working groups, submit ideas and view progress on the TEC’s many projects.
In the handbook we collect all material you need to understand, navigate and contribute with the Token Engineering Commons.
Contribute with your skill to the various repositories on Github. All TEC tools, dashboards and smart contracts are open source.
Read our weekly recap updates, the latest and greatest news from Token Engineering and in-depth articles written by the Token Engineers themselves!
Get an in depth look into the details of the TEC machinery. All sprint plannings and most workgroup meetings are recorded and uploaded to YouTube.
TEC Calendar Events
Plug in and see all of our calendar events, find when and where we are meeting to drop in and get involved!
Sustainable & Ethical Design for Token Ecosystems.